Friday, February 18, 2011

Working Of Electronic Wheelchair

Death of a fighter

Derive Approdi editions, the most important Italian house publishing works of social criticism, announce the death of one of its founders, Leonardo Fortuna Daddo said.
February 1, 1977 are employed at universities of Palermo, Turin, Pisa, Sassari, Cagliari, Salerno. Meetings and agitation in the universities of Milan, Bologna, Padua, Florence. In Rome, about 70 armed fascist bars and firearms entering the faculties of Humanities and Law. A pistol seriously wounded in the head student. February 2, anti-fascist demonstrations in many cities. In Rome, the communist youth organizations and left-wing rally held inside the university, many students, Self-worker and former Lotta Continua choose to go to storm the local fascist Commacampagna. They were dispersed by police. In an exchange of gunfire, Paolo Tommasini, student, was seriously injured, Daddo, then 22-year-old was wounded in turn help him (see photo). A policeman also be seriously injured. The spokesman of the party "Communist" Italian demand the closure of the "benchmarks" of the "supposedly independent" by claiming that the raid at the University of fascist violence and the "provocative supposedly autonomous" are two faces of the same reality of terrorism. This is the complete breakdown and final between PCI and student movement.
On 17 February the Secretary General of the CGIL (the equivalent of the CGT, close to the PC) Luciano Lama meeting is held within the university. He is chased him and his marshals, by students and independent.
Thirty-four years later, the most combative of the CGIL, Fiom (Federation of Metalworkers) combines the student movement against neo-liberal assault . This turn of history had to smile Daddo, just before the end.


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