Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Causes Bumps On My Balls

A mutual hypocrisy, the Do not ask, do not tell? a two way hypocrisy

     Étant former military myself, I have only one response to the policies "do not ask, do not tell" (which translates as "we do not ask, you do not tell us" ) the great majority of countries worldwide in terms of military engagement.

- No question, not to disclose? Well, no obligation! -

We'll see how the armies of the world will manage without the thousands of homosexuals (men and women) who are already using.

Like all major religions refuse again and again to accept that their devotees are gay ... unless they are silent and do pretend otherwise ... I can not help but wonder how it is that so many men and women gay aspire to marry religiously?
Do not just take!
Get married under civil law (where it is allowed and allowed) and where it is not, take legal agreement or notarized (with avocado) as a contract between two consenting adults ... Invite your closest friends at a nice restaurant ... Share your wishes and your wedding ...

No cause is worth lying to yourself. And there is no country in the world that deserves to die for him when he is not even unable to accept us as we are!

Why we humans, are we so stupid sometimes?

"Why gays should not serve in the military, raison hystérique de droite #373 :
- Mais... je ne peux pas lui tirer dessus, il est bien trop beau ! "

     Being a former military myself, I have but one answer to the "don't ask, don't tell" policy of most countries as far as military enrollment goes...

- Don't ask, don't tell ?  well... just don't enlist ! -

     We'll just see how most armed forces do without the thousands of gays already voluntarily serving !

     As well as all main stream religions don't want to hear from gay people... unless they shut up and don't assume their sexual orientation... I can't help but wonder why so many gays want to religiously get married ? 
     Just don't !
     Simply marry under civil union (where it is allowed) and where it is not, just have a contract... between two consenting adults... in front of the law... with a lawyer... or a notary (where they are available)... then you invite your closest friends in a fancy restaurant... and you exchange vows and rings...

     No question is Worth lying to yourself for. Have No Country is worth dying for if it's Not Even Able to accept you just as you are! Why oh why

Humans Are We So Stupid Sometimes?


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