Monday, January 31, 2011

Why No Plastic Dishes For Pets

Just published

Revolution bees, new adventures of the Commissioner Tavianello, comes these days in Italy, in the excellent translation of Maruzza Loria, and will be released in the original language in September the mask. Simona still enjoying the pleasures of life, she still has more doubts about his profession (the only cops that I support in the literature - do not talk about life), her hubby has fits of jealousy, and crime is not dead: it is the disappearance of bees. Collection Verde Nero (Edizioni Ambiente) has published on environmental issues thrillers written by authors most good Italian black. Much of them, it goes without saying (as we say in Italian), is on the blacklist of Donazzan which again distinguish itself by sending a letter to schools, where she said " anti-fascism is not a value "

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Aveeno Vs Cetaphilfor Infants

Thursday-Friday: from Bologna to Padua, it has caused between friends, with strangers and in micro

At the demonstration in Bologna on Thursday morning, Stefano Tassinari plotting

Then he spoke about the place and the next day, the head of the union Yellow (ICFTU) signed the agreement with Fiat shameful said, "but what they were doing there, writers?"

A Preganziol afternoon, citizen organizer of the gathering was speaking

The next day in Padua, the big rally in the Veneto and Metalworkers' all united against the crisis, "a group of students dressed as police officers handed out 51 Fahrenheit a text on behalf of authors the black list and a brochure containing excerpts from some of their books

It would be a conspiracy hatched by the writers for taking advantage of a attempt to blacklist the work involved storytellers to that of workers, insecure, students, migrant workers ...

Si vous ne comprenez pas très bien, lisez les messages précédents…
 En tout cas, arrivés sur la Piazza dei Signori, trois des comploteurs (de gauche à droite, bibi, Lello Voce, Massimo Carlotto) avaient l'air content. Lelo a pris la parole sur l'estrade, après les discours combattifs des syndicalistes, des défenseurs de l'eau comme bien public, des immigrés. Il faisait beau.
Ajournement dimanche 16 h: une chanson brésilienne pour Cesare Battisti .

Japanese Sterling Lighter

Poo Poo Pi doo

Vintage Dress;)

Des bisous:)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Where Can I Find Shorts Like Richard Simmons?

From Bologna to Preganziol

I just live for two days full of lessons and encouragement, I will return in more detail here and elsewhere. Meanwhile, a few flashes of emotions: Thursday morning, with Wu Ming, and writer Stefano Tassinari, we market to protest the IMF Bologna (single Steelworkers union opposed the destruction of union rights organized by neo-manager of FIAT) allies in "All United Against Depression" Student of The Wave, the precarious, with opponents privatization of water, immigrants, etc.. In the afternoon, with Stefano, Alberto and Sebastiani WM1, blogger and journalist, all listed on the blacklist (see previous posts), we went Preganziol delegation to the heart land of the League of Veneto, where a librarian denounced the fact that we had to remove books Saviano ray because he had talked about relations between the League and N'Drangheta (the Calabrian Mafia), and where a small group of people had spontaneously named for 17h in a demonstration in front of the library. Well, I can say now, but it was a little nervous venturing into these territories, especially in arriving, we see the smiling panel above: "Prohibition of sexual services to haggle on the entire municipality" And if we would accuse us of raccolage passive? But at the bar, donut cream sabayon was really delicious (thank you Stefano for having us push to fish), as much as people (over 200!) We met at the library:
I'll tell you later and also the demonstration today in Padua, accompanied by Massimo Carlotto (writer) and Lello Voce (poet), meanwhile, you see, Preganziol is like La Crau, found there as full of good people.
The books must be read ... not hide
The first book to prevent is the catalog of banned books (Lichtenberg)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Modern Galvanizedbathtubs

thousand apologies but ... - A thousand apologies to ...

It's still laughing and that, it will never hurt anyone!

It Still IS really funny ... and thats my friends Can Never Be Bad!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Do A Sew In Without Cutting The Tracks

Beautiful Quebec - A Few Quebecers handsome

Joey Scarpellino
Actor - Actor

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Luna Lovegood Lion Head For Sale

Little Warrant craurois

I was born in La Crau (Var) near Toulon is a city that has earned its status as a town full (by detaching itself from Hyères) reward its servile attitude towards Napoleon the little red when the south rose against the coup of 1851.
Today, the League of Human Rights Toulon tells an initiative of the mayor which shows that it is part of this huge cohort of zealous Warrant sarkos and spirit (expellers prefects, principals bitter against kids who participated in the recent social movements, Presidents of FACS bad performance, cops fill their quotas): the mayor of La Crau secretly organized denunciation, with 200 "referents neighborhood" that would have recruited .
If you go to the site of this charming village, you can feast on its editorial where he takes on all opponents, those that prevent it from achieving its "building projects" and "synthetic stages", these defenders of biodiversity that compares with supporters of "protozoa." A fine example of Provençal Poujadism uninhibited.
Maybe you will understand better why, despite the assent, balls, sun and pastaga as soon as I was old enough to run, I spun breathe "air in the city that makes you free" .
Adjourned at 26: Rene, my friend for half a century (yes, yes, it was known K) assures me there are plenty of people who attend at La Crau. I had no doubt, say that I spoke of a prevailing spirit in these places (as well as on a certain coast concrete and rotten by money).

Sunday, January 23, 2011

# Gay

What that cares official commemorations!

In the history of the delisting of Celine on the honor roll of "national celebration", two logical clashed: the logic of the celebration- mummification institutional authors recognized by the dominant culture (and this time the celebrated author is really Essentially, it is pure coincidence) and logic of the dictatorship of grief which Stig Dagerman said it all.
So this agitation in the glass of stagnant water of the official culture, we have nothing particular to say.

On Celine greatness as a writer, too, everything has been said (see among others fictions of politics in LF Celine, Yves Pagès).

On his ignominy as a man, as the word is there desssus confiscated by too many cons and scum, you seem to need repeating. Recall, for example, that besides his militant anti-Semitic literature in general, he arrived at Celine entering into details, for example in a number I Am Everywhere , under occupation (for exact references, see my book The Misfortunes of truth , Orban, 1981, I did not at hand) which he denounced by name the great poet Robert Desnos, insinuating doubts about his "Aryan". Robert Desnos, who died of typhus in Theresienstadt June 8, 1945, which is the last photo, taken on an excellent site. He obviously did not happen to be at stake with her beloved pooch.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Firmware Update Tm502g/ct

Medium Farewell - Farewell

Medium, one of the best series television Americans past 10 years!
Last episode today, January 21, 2011 on CBS.


Medium, one of the Best American Television Series of the Past decade!
Last Episode Aired On This Day, January 21st 2011 on CBS.

Quotes To Congratulate Parents To Be

Nazism with a human face

Elena Donazzan (above) has a good head nice. It is this assistant public education (not to culture as I have said elsewhere by mistake) from the Veneto region which, following the footsteps of his party colleague Speranzon, attached to the culture of the province Venice, wrote to schools asking that they remove library books from authors who in 2004 signed a call for Cesare Battisti. I mention in previous posts. But the matter does not end there because it shows you on this occasion that the people of the League and the PDL (Pole of Liberty (!)) Berlusconi in the region of high culture that is Venice and the Veneto are taken off library books without noise people that their dislike as Camilleri, Saviano, etc. . What
Speranzon Donazzan and come directly from the hard tendency of the National Alliance, as noted Donazzan happen again this year in ceremonies in honor of the fascists of Salò killed by partisans is ultimately a story: there many small and large Speranzan Donnazzon and Italy. Too much. In Italy, the thing has spilled over into the mainstream media through an uprising on the Internet. Everyone must, at his level, to circulate information outside of Italy and the web vibrates in every corner. We must make shame more shameful by delivering advertising.
Pass on all blogs, mailing lists, etc..

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Can You Get Impetigo From Fleas

Love, Love, Love !!!!!