Saturday, January 29, 2011

Aveeno Vs Cetaphilfor Infants

Thursday-Friday: from Bologna to Padua, it has caused between friends, with strangers and in micro

At the demonstration in Bologna on Thursday morning, Stefano Tassinari plotting

Then he spoke about the place and the next day, the head of the union Yellow (ICFTU) signed the agreement with Fiat shameful said, "but what they were doing there, writers?"

A Preganziol afternoon, citizen organizer of the gathering was speaking

The next day in Padua, the big rally in the Veneto and Metalworkers' all united against the crisis, "a group of students dressed as police officers handed out 51 Fahrenheit a text on behalf of authors the black list and a brochure containing excerpts from some of their books

It would be a conspiracy hatched by the writers for taking advantage of a attempt to blacklist the work involved storytellers to that of workers, insecure, students, migrant workers ...

Si vous ne comprenez pas très bien, lisez les messages précédents…
 En tout cas, arrivés sur la Piazza dei Signori, trois des comploteurs (de gauche à droite, bibi, Lello Voce, Massimo Carlotto) avaient l'air content. Lelo a pris la parole sur l'estrade, après les discours combattifs des syndicalistes, des défenseurs de l'eau comme bien public, des immigrés. Il faisait beau.
Ajournement dimanche 16 h: une chanson brésilienne pour Cesare Battisti .


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