Monday, November 29, 2010

80s Arobic Instructors

Farewell to a Great Canadian - Farewell to a Great Canadian

Leslie Nielsen

February 11, 1926 in Regina, Saskatchewan (Canada) - November 28, 2010, Fort Lauderdale, Florida (USA).

February 11th 1926 in Regina, Saskatchewan (Canada) - November 28th, 2010, Fort Lauderdale, Florida (USA)

Farewell to you who have become almost a friend to so many people! Thanks for your millions of laughs!

Farewell To You Who Became Almost a friend for so many! Thanks for the millions of laughs!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Rockstar Grille Chevy Silverado

Improvisation Workshop Meeting

Music Improvisation Workshop every Tuesday from 18 and 20h in the studio land

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Extreme Hard Vore Stories

musical opened on 09/11/10

BDE Open Meeting Tuesday, November 9 at 12pm cafèt.

For those wanting to help the bde or keep abreast of its activities

At Tuesday.

Free Misty Mundae Movies

Account rendered academic council

Director: P. Hardy.
Administration: O. Lemée-Le Borgne, A. Rihet.
Teachers: P. Dault, B. Dubois, M. Fouville, S. Jamet, P. Lacroix, L. Larmor, L. Lepron, A. Mecarelli,
Mr. Palix, F. Perrodin, J. Roux.
Technical staff: F. Deguillard, L. Bretel.
Student delegates: L. Bardet (5th Design), C. Carat (1st Year Gr B), C. Esteve (1st Year Gr A), T.
Gilotte (2nd Art), Husson (3E COM), T. Months (2nd Design), Q. Mountain (4th Art), C. Mugler (2nd Design).
Students Office: S. Garcin (3rd COM).
Absent excused: B. Lepretre (teacher).

1 / Homecoming 2010 - Findings - Next intake:

P. Hardy evokes the new booklet for students and "floats" observed due to the complexity of the application
different schedules, mainly marked by organizational difficulties and
He explained by the fact that having wanted to listen to many teachers who want to change,
including art history, he tried to please everyone by changing a few "links" in existing
He apologized and said that this finding will better prepare the next school year by setting up a
methodology that could be defined, in advance by a day of reflection option.
the occasion of its first full-on, P. Hardy is very surprised at the progressive integration of students
except those in first year well underway.
In a similar spirit, he wished to address the organization of the next entrance exam, scheduled on 20, 21 and
April 22, 2011.
Having participated this year, as juror interviews with candidates, he regrets little
time spent on the exchange. It deems best to seek filings
in December for a preliminary analysis of them. A shortlist of 200 candidates would maintain a longer and refined;
he acknowledges that this file preselection risk of excluding potential candidates for the real and
Conversely, to hold others to a future less promising .
At the entrance examination 2010, 716 cases were registered for entries including 674 nominations for Rennes
against 350 on average for other schools in Britain.
A first group of teachers (Dault Pierre and Bruno Dubois) was formed on the issue Review
entry, he asked that the discussion is thorough with Lemée-Odile Le Borgne order to achieve an ad
the mode of admission in January.

2 / News COEP (Public Establishment for Cultural Cooperation)

P. Hardy discusses the various meetings between representatives of the 4 towns of Brittany (Brest, Lorient, Quimper and Rennes
) during which were discussed the positions of directors of each school of art
Warden, officer of the Ministry of Culture and Communication, at a meeting with elected
the four cities has favored the establishment of a single EPCC meeting the 4 schools of Britain. The presidency will be provided by
assistant to the culture of the city of Quimper and the general direction of P. Hardy. O. Lemée-Le Borgne
be responsible for the division of Rennes, each director of three other schools in Britain
responsible for its own pole.
Deliberation will be presented to City Council in December 2010 and EPCC will be formed very quickly
(details at a later date).
A real project for the School Superieure des Beaux-Arts in Britain will be developed very quickly with the four leaders
pole in a spirit of complementarity and varied offer.
From January 2011 until the presentation of students DNSEP, an enormous work to be done to the 2012
diplomas are validated with the rank of master, recognized at European level (note - an empowerment by
degree, by endorsement or 4 clearances for Rennes).
To retain the 4 schools in Britain have submitted 8 bedrooms, phase before the formation of COEP. Mr.
Fouville whether, in future, National Diploma Fine Arts (DNAP) will be recognized Bachelor's degree.
P. Hardy answered affirmatively.
F. Perrodin recalls that require inter alia address the status of teachers within the EPCC.

3 / News Administration:

P. Hardy informed of the appointment of Marie-Noëlle Haslé, following the recruitment panel of 7 July, the post previously occupied by
I. Gascard. This agent will be responsible for leading the administrative team. It is necessary to enable the
taking office as soon as possible.

4 / Works:

a) Fronts:
The restoration of the facades of the monastery began. The first installment on the south side and will last 1 year.
the other three faces will be processed subsequently for a total duration of work estimated at 4 years.
barriers preventing access to the cafeteria to the outside will not be implemented until the
transfer of hazardous materials to avoid any accident that would be attributable to the site manager.
security measures that are taken in this regard should be strictly observed. A
querying A. Mecarelli, P. Hardy responded that the cost of restoration of the first front to back
450,000 euros funded by the City of Rennes, as owner of the building.

b) Library:
P. Hardy comes back to talk about one of its priorities, the project for the relocation of the library. After
studies of various assumptions, including that of the Earth workshop, thinking now focusing
an extension of the library in the showroom. The party wall is a carrier, a support system is therefore
study. After
this phase of study by the Directorate of municipal buildings, work could be quickly
provided by a private company.
same time, the exhibition hall could then find a place in the current metal workshop (approximation of
Museum of Dance), which is itself moved in the workshop whose land the new location is not yet defined
This work will be funded including the Yves Rocher Foundation in the framework of a partnership agreement with
ERBA (optional design) which would release a budget of 100,000 euros.
Moreover, P. Hardy ponders the establishment of "container houses" along the wall opposite the workshop
metal, designed to accommodate visiting artists.

Regarding the enrichment of the library, P. Hardy is best to bring as much as possible
books and inform the donation of a large number of books at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Rennes.
The U.S. consulate, meanwhile, donated 2,000 euros to purchase new books in English.
P. Hardy invites teachers who have already done so, transmit to F. Galbrun within two
weeks a list of books they deem useful to have available at the library.
B. Dubois asked if he could be nominated movies or what CD P. Hardy responds favorably. Mr.
Fouville added that students can also submit their wishes to the library.

5 / Organization of teaching:

a / Calendar / Philosophy of Art:
O. Lemée-Le Borgne said the timetable submitted earlier in the meeting and noted the number of
constraints limiting the flexibility of schedule. It draws attention to the choice of moving
teaching philosophy of art in the 2nd year and 3rd year (art and communication) that caused many problems
schedules while responding to a desire teaching.
She said that during the first half, the philosophy is for 2nd year Arts and Communication. In
second semester, courses for 3rd year of the three options.
Moreover, the 4th years who have not taken philosophy courses will be offered before a cycle of
5 courses for which a schedule is sought. The 2nd year Design will be involved.
Students in Grade 3 (all options) are obliged to attend at least 10 conferences
after which they must write a report about a dozen lines to file to the secretariat. To this end, a plug is
download on the school website under the heading "Conferences". Writing this report
allow the attribution of credit.
Without seeking to immediately satisfy a university methodology, P. Hardy said that this work will be a good exercise
Writing in favor of the acquisition of control techniques of the note
On the issue of "writing", O. Le Borgne Lemée-read the memories of first year students (2009-2010 school year
) with great interest. Overwhelmingly, he exudes a certain comfort in writing
often gained from years of study in high school or preparatory schools that encourages it to maintain and develop
P. Hardy addressed the item on the "picture information", the main tool of communication on the use of weekly time
considers archaic. Communication methods will evolve;
web site must be redesigned and contribute.
O. Lemée-Borgne inform the school site should become a vital information tool both
teaching and in terms of public information. A study is also underway on
other media (facebook ERBA: events, exhibitions, conferences ... -, followed by graduates

b / Diplomas 2011:
O. Lemée-Borgne indicates the publication of a decree dated July 2010 relating to the preparation for diplomas 2011.
It will be distributed to teachers.
- Jury members are appointed by the school principal and not by the Minister of Culture.
- The DNSEP been two defenses whose characteristics are as follows;:
- for the defense of the dissertation, the jury is composed of two members and be chaired by Dr.
: 1 teacher of the school and a qualified person.
- the practical part, the jury is composed of five members and is chaired by one of the personalities
External: 3 qualified persons and 2 teachers from the school. The two members present at the defense
memory are members of the jury.
Given the requirement of the presidency of the defense of memory by a doctor, it is therefore imperative to think
now to the constitution of juries. For this transition year, teachers
doctors of the school will be involved including:
- Option Art: Christopher Viart
- Communication option:
. Publishing authors mention, mediatizations Thierry Moré (not yet examined so far)
. mention Graphic Design: Catherine Smet
- Design Option: Delphine Girard.
During cycles 1 and 2, a semester is 30 ECTS credits, according to semesters, some
loans are recoverable.
For the 5th year, the first half can buy 30 credits, divided into "Research Methodology
(monitoring of memory)" for 20 ECTS and "Formatting personal project" to 10 ECTS. The 30 semester credits
10 are awarded by the jury of the graduation tests (5 for 25 for the memory and work
F. Perrodin think there is ambiguity about the phrase "award credits.
O. Lemée-Borgne specifies that loans represent a time of work. 5 credits related to memory
are awarded by the jury met in its entirety.
L. Larmor wondered how to accompany students, especially the following, including
to achieve their memory.
F. Perrodin request that clarification be made regarding the redefinition of the modalities for holding the
diploma. O. Lemée-Borgne proposes that by late November, meetings with the coordinators and teachers
option to be set. (Editor's note: a first meeting on the briefs October 19 is fixed).
P. Lacroix believes in the organization of white diploma and concludes that the lack of credits validated by teachers in the second half
require reflection on diplômabilité.
the evocation of the allocation of credits, C. Esteve informs the concerns and misunderstandings of students
first year on this.
O. Le Borgne Lemée-specific appropriations validate a course. The evaluation is done on the one hand, each
teacher and secondly, as a collegiate at each semi-annual review. Criteria validation are
attendance, engagement and relevance to their artistic approach.
P. Dault proposes an exchange with students take place very soon (RDV set Thursday, October 21: 9am -
first year Gr A / 14:15 - 1st year Gr B).

v. Rights to copy:
O. Lemée-Borgne recalls the obligation of teachers to declare, in respect of copyright,
the number of copies it makes for educational purposes through the print-out of the French Center
Exploitation of the right to copy (see Appendix). All books are concerned irrespective of their origin
(public or private library).
d / Doors Open: February 19, 2011
P. Hardy encourages teachers and students to reflect on what could be the next day
doors open the school in its real activity, a continuation of that happened this year when a real investment
students could be appreciated.
T. Gilotte draws attention to the need to reflect this date open day for
determine application deadlines in different instances of admission. Indeed, it has often been found
the short time frame remaining for reflection between that day and the deadlines for filings
P. Hardy evokes a proposal for European projects with various art schools and centers run by the School
with the Centre for Contemporary Art auction. It covers the art schools in Cluj Napoca (Romania),
Macerata (Italy) Poznan (Poland).
It evokes the anticipation of a conference in 2012 around European art schools. At the international level,
visiting Romanian and Polish counterparts is scheduled for next February. Next week, representatives of
School of Rochester (New York)-optional art will visit the school.

6 / Misc: * P
Hardy draws attention to the resumption of flights of personal belongings (wallets, camera ...) within the institution and seeks
vigilance of everyone to minimize these facts. Last year, he alerted
services of the city and requested the installation of fire doors at the entrance to the building by precast
parking. These doors must be installed in the coming weeks.
* C. Mugler asked if the carpentry workshop could function 18h to 20h, under the responsibility of the student
monitor. P. Hardy agrees to inquire whether it is possible, including safety.
* T. Gilotte reporting the refusal meant several students wishing to pursue simultaneously teaching modules
photo and video and asks why. A response has been made since the meeting: students can now follow
Photography and Video.
* T. Gilotte evokes the possibility allow tracking of former students by e-mail for life.
* Mr. Husson students remember the installation of 3rd Communication in room 103 and hooking calls
closing the door between this room and through the 104 because of the regular passage of students to access
halls snaps 104 and 105.
* L. Bardet questioned the priority given to students in Grades 3 and 4 to design the tour
the occasion of the Biennale of St Etienne. B. Dubois states that are primarily concerned students
fourth year, 25 seats are available (including the representative School) 7 4th year students are currently enrolled
* L. Bardet asks if he can be considered the purchase of a kiln. P. Hardy does not issue a favorable opinion
but proposes to disclose other locations that may allow the use of such equipment.

Next Board of Studies: Wednesday, 1 December 2010